Event Details
ESGR Center of Influence Flight
Date: | May 14, 2014 |
Location: | Helicopter flight from Cedar Rapids to Camp Dodge in Johnston and return |
Price: | No Cost |
iCal link | Add to Calendar |
Deadline to register is April 11th. This is capped at 30 seats, so register early! Any questions, please contact your fellow ISHRA members/local ESGR reps: Mark Hennessey or Sharon Wilkinson
2014 Center of Influence Flight Registration
What is a Center of Influence Flight?
A Center of Influence flight gives employers the opportunity to learn more about the National Guard and the Aviation mission as a State emergency asset and federal mobilizations.
What’s on the Agenda?
- Helicopter flight from Cedar Rapids to Camp Dodge and back.
- Review of Agenda, ESGR Overview and Iowa National Guard overview.
- Participation in military training simulators at Camp Dodge
- Tour of the National Maintenance Training Center on Camp Dodge
- Meal Read to Eat (MRE), refreshments.
E-mail (ramon.h.rodriguez3.ctr@mail.mil) or Fax (515-252-4519) Registration by Friday, April 11, 2014 to: Ray Rodriguez (Iowa Committee for ESGR). Telephone Number: 800-294-6607 x4192
Name: _________________________________ Title: ____________________________
Business Name: ______________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: __________________________ Email: ___________________________
Service Member that works for your company: _____________________________________
Service Members Email: ________________________________________________________
Service Member’s Military Unit/City: ______ _______________________________________