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    ISHRA Holiday Social

    Date: November 29, 2018, 5:00pm
    1158 Club Rd NE
    Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
    Event Type:
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    ISHRA Holiday Social

    Thursday, November 29, 2018
    5:00pm - 7:00pm
    1158 Club Rd NE
    Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
    We will have a raffle for the SHRM Foundation, so please bring $$ with you.
    Come prepared to share what your biggest HR challenges/concerns are for 2019. 
    This will assist us in planning 2019 ISHRA activities.
         1)  What is the most significant challenge you face today as an HR professional (aka – what keeps you up at night)?

         2)  Do you have any recommendations on a speaker/presenter (or a topic) for a future chapter meeting that would be of high value to our members?