Event Details
ESGR Event
Date: | July 20, 2017, 11:30am |
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Community and Employer Day with the Iowa Army National Guard
Date: Thursday, 20 July 2017
11:30AM to 3:00PM
Location: Iowa National Guard Armory
1500 Wright Brothers Blvd W.
Cedar Rapids IA 52404
The Army National Guard and Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve invite you to participate in a Community and Business Leader event at the Iowa Army National in Cedar Rapids. Major Kyle Obrecht and his staff will provide you an opportunity to become acquainted with the unit’s State and Federal mission requirements and what does the training and deployment requirements look like for an operational force.
This event will include an overview and hands on experience of the following:
- Night Vision Devices
- EST2000 – Hands on training on the firing range simulator
- Weapon Display (M9, M4, M249, M240B, M2)
- Machine Gun Trainer – hands on training, simulator
- Communications Equipment
- Military Vehicles (Humvee, Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles, Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck)
- Military Gear – vests, helmets, body armor. Try it on and see how it fits.
- Army Aviation Flight – only community and business leaders are eligible to fly. Registration is required.
Flights are subject to change due to weather or mission requirements. All participants must be in a leadership role to be eligible to fly.
There will be a review of training requirements and what deployments look like in today’s new environment. Participants will have a hands on experience with the training opportunities as well as ask questions and experience the equipment displays. The event is being held on a drill weekend giving participants an opportunity to learn more about the unit members training and Guard experiences.
Refreshments and lunch will be provided to you at no cost.
Courtesy of ESGR (Employer Support of the Guard and Reserves).
Register by 15 July 2017 by E-mail rebecca.l.coady.ctr@mail.mil or phone 515-334-2757.
Your Name: _________________________________
Business Title: _____________________________
Business Name: __________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________
Office Phone Number: _____________________
Email: ____________________________________________________________________
Cell Number: _______________________
Do you have any employees that are members of the Guard or Reserve? Yes No
(It is not mandatory to have an employee in order to participate)
Service Members name that works for your company: _____________________________
Service Members Email: _________________________________
Service Members Phone: ____________________________